Tuesday, May 3, 2016

We love TPT sales! But here is more from a group of great TPT sellers!!!

Hello friends!!
Remember that today TPT is having a huge and awesome sale! I will be part of the fun, so stop by my store to get some products on sale!! :)
BUT I HAVE MORE FOR YOU!!! The fun doesn't stop there!!! Hop for a chance to win $100 and $20 TpT credit giveaway!

Some amazing Spanish teachers on TpT have teamed up to offer you a fun & fabulous giveaway as our way of saying THANK YOU to our followers!
We have 2 thank you prizes for our followers:
-         $100 TpT gift card
-         $20 TpT gift card

What to do:
1.    Visit MY STORE to start hopping! ~ We love followers!  ;)
2.    Write down the Secret Letter hidden in the banner of my store.
3.    Click on the BANNER of each store to hop to the next store!Collect the secret letters hidden in each banner!
4.    Unscramble the letters to reveal the Secret Message.
5.    Head toback to MY BLOG and enter the Secret Message into the Giveaway!

Here’s what you’re looking for in my store:

Once you have all of the letters, unscramble them to reveal the secret message!  Come back and enter the secret message in the giveaway widget here:

The following fun & fabulous Spanish sellers are participating in the blog hop!  You can also visit each store by clicking on the image of their store below!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

End of the year Awards PLUS a Linky Party with a TPT giftcard giveaway!

Hello friends and welcome back! I had been very good at blogging more often than a week. However, the last time I posted was a few weeks ago. The reason of it? Well, baby boy is on the way and there is so much to do PLUS having a toddler at home makes it a little harder to clean and organize! So I am sorry if I have not been around since my last post!

Today I want to share with you my awards! It is that time of year when you start thinking what kind of awards your students will achieve and preparing them. I am here to show you a couple of my free samples that I have in my store for you!

The first set of awards I created was when I taught second grade and it was just a general one without any theme. My classroom theme was just animal prints so I didn't really want anything specific.

The Free Sample comes with three awards, in both color and B/W versions. These only come in English, so I'm sorry, but I never had the time to create the whole thing in Spanish. This sample is found on the preview of the product, so you will see the cost of the product and won't see the free sample by itself. 

All you have to do it's download the preview and you will find the 3 free awards: Smile (boy version, the girl version is in the paid product), hard worker, and perfect attendance. Would you like to download this sample? Just click HERE 

I would like to share with you how I used the general award in my class. Like I mentioned, I didn't have a specific theme so I created the rock star student award. I gave this type of award to all of my students along with a goody bag.

These are pictures of my goody bags :) Each bag had a card (click HERE if you would like to download it from my Google Docs, they come in color and B/W with a boy and girl version), two erasers (a guitar and pick) from Geddes (they are not available anymore there, but you can find them on amazon), a pair of glasses that are called "shutted shades" (purchased at a craft store - Hobby Lobby), and a glowing in the dark bracelet (purchased at Dollar Tree).

This is a picture of the award that everyone got in my class, along with the goody bag. I had a girl and boy version, so I also made bags for boys and girls (same goodies, just different colors and cards).

Oh boy! I'm telling y'all, they all loved their award and goody bag so much! Some of them even showed me the next year they still had some of the goodies from there (I moved up with them to third grade). 
Hope you like these as much ad I did when I made for my kids :)

On the preview document you will be able to see the free awards I mentioned above and a preview of the other awards :) The rock star award is part of my paid product. If you would like the paid product, please click HERE.


The second set I created was all about Jungle stuff!! These awards are different from the first, not only because it has an actual theme, but also because it is editable; all you need is Power Point. I have included instructions when you click on the editable section. Editable means you can type your name and the student's name. Please be aware that "editable" means typing names only, I can't make the titles or the clipart editable due to illustrators copyright. Just in case you forget, I have included that information on the product :) Like I said, it is based on a jungle theme, so most of all (if not all) has jungle illustrations :) 
I have this free sample available in both ENGLISH and SPANISH

I wasn't able to give these awards to my kids because I was already on maternity leave. Therefore, I wasn't able to make any goody bags for them this time. However, I did include a general award for all of them. Since I had a jungle theme, I included a "Wild Student Award" that everyone received. This is a preview of what comes in the paid product. If you would like the paid product, please click on  ENGLISH or SPANISH

That is all for me my friends! Thank you for stopping by today!! I am about to be away for some weeks since baby boy will be with us very soon! I'll probably blog about how my life has turned into a circus with a newborn and toddler at home! 

Please don't forget to visit my other friends who are part of this great linky party! Also, make sure you enter into the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a TPT giftcard!! YAYYYY!!! :)

An InLinkz Link-up