Sunday, October 28, 2018

Top Secret Word Study Center

Hi everyone!!
It has sure been a while my friends!
Going back to teaching and having two kids at home is a whole different ball game y'all!
I have been creating here and there, but nothing is complete neither ready to put on my store. So hang in  there with me! I have been posting some on my instagram page, so if there is something you are interested, send me a message and I will try my best to post the product!

Today, I am super excited to show you what I have been doing since we started centers. The kids really enjoying using the blacklight flashlights!

The product includes English and Spanish instructions for students and a recording sheet. The cards are blank, so you can write your own words with the special markers.
I included the same links on one of the slides of the product, to be more handy.

In order for this center to work, you will need the following items:

How it works

I personally love that my students get to walk around the classroom during centers. During this time, they have more freedom and I let them walk around the classroom. Therefore, I place all my cards around my room. The center contains the blank cards, the instructions, and a report sheet where my students write the words they found, on the correct number.

I need to write the words with those special markers, so I write them first and then I laminate the cards. The ink will stay, so no worries about it fading away. Then, let the magic happen!

The kids really do enjoy this center!
I have up to four students in that center. Each student has a flashlight and they walk around my classroom with the report sheet on a clipboard. I asked them not to tell their group partners where the cards are placed. It is not that much fun when you find the words in 5 minutes because your friend already told you where all of them are placed. However, I have witnessed that most of them help each other when some are getting frustrated they can't find the cards (I promise I really don't hide them, but some have a hard time finding them all), so in that case, I let them... just because I see team work and not students who just don't feel like looking for cards around the classroom.

I have created 20 blank cards, but I honestly only use 16 of them. 15 words are part of our weekly word sudy list, and I leave one for a funny phrase for the kids to read. They always look forward for that funny card!

I hope this preview has helped you otday and it has also encourage you to do something similar in your class! I think it is very simple preparation and the kids really enjoy it! 
If you would like to check out the product, please click HERE to take you to my store.

Thank you for visiting me today! have an amazing week! :)