Monday, May 8, 2017

"Let's Find Out" in Spanish Scholastic Magazine Review & Giveaway

Hello my friends!!
I am very excited to share with you a review for the "Let's Find Out" in Spanish from Scholastic Magazine! Scholastic contacted me a few weeks ago asking me to test their magazine (I was in seventh heaven when I read their email!) Sadly, because I am not in the classroom, I couldn't do a class set. However, they asked me to still do the review as an educator and I offered to blog about it. So let's get started!

Magazine Set

The monthly magazine set comes with Teacher's Big Issues and student matching small issues (one per student). I really think this is a great magazine. The photographs that you find in them are very clear and crispy! The information given is perfect for students to read and very enganging.
The teacher's big Issue  is perfect to be placed on a board for a visual to engage students. If you use this in small groups, you can also place it on a easel and use it during an intro discussion before students use their own magazine. This magazine is perfect for Prek, K, and 1st grades. However, I can see a second grade teacher using them for students who might be below reading level.

I love the enganging reading inside of each issue and the interactive questions. On the back of the magazine, it comes with an activity that students can either solve on their own or in a small group.

The monthly set includes a small reading issue. This is perfect to use in small groups. The pictures are great and the sentences are mixed with pictures, which makes it a great fit for early literacy. 

In addition to the magazine, you also get a Teacher's Guide. In there, you can find a snapshot of what you can find online for that monthly set (issue sample, videos, games, and activities) and lesson ideas for each issue included in the monthly set.

The Online Access

Besides getting the print resources that I mentioned above. You also get an online access to the magazine! In there, you don't only find the reading issue, it also has a feature where it reads out loud! In addition to this great feature, you can also find enganging videos that are related to the reading, games, and even printables!

The printables are easy to find and print! They include a variaty of skills. You can find activities for sentences structure, phonological awareness (final sounds), predictions (a big halleluyah!), counting/symmetry, diagrams, and reflections.

If you would like to start planning for next year, try the 30-day free trial and find out more about the subcription HERE :)

Now it's time for our giveaway!! Drums pleaseee!!!! Let's Find Out in Spanish and I have come together to giveaway a classroom set for the May/June issue (max 30 students copies) to 5 LUCKY WINNERS! If you win a set, please know you must provide your full name and address in order to receive it. It is very simple to participate! All you need to do to enter is leave me a comment below telling me how you would use the magazine in your classroom and leave me your email.
The winner will be chosen and contacted on May 13th, 2017.

Thank you everyone for stopping by on my blog and good luck to everyone! :)

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Tips for Ending the school year and TPT Giftcard Giveaway!

Welcome back my friends!
Today I am joining some other great bloggers to bring you some tips of things we do to end our school year :) 

In my opinion, awards are a big deal! I have worked in two different schools where awards were handled differently. At one school, teachers were a 100% responsible for the awards. This would take place in each classroom on the last week of school. At another school, awards in a classroom was just optional because the school did an award ceremony for everyone.

Regardless of the case, I believe that awards can be the best way to reward your students to show them how much they mean to you and how important they were in the classroom. I personally don't see awards as "I have to have one for each" type of thing. There is honestly something good and positive we all can find in our students. On a particular year, this is a true story, I had to create a "elepehants never forget" award for one of my students. You might think it is funny, but I kid you NOT when I tell you she was the ONLY ONE in class who would remember all the extra activities or the crazy day schedules. She would always tell me "Mrs. Nicolau aren't we supposed to go??" There were times that she really saved me from being too late or even missing something! We all know we tend to get carried away with other things! Don't you agree??
You might think she was a low student and probably she was paying more attention to leave the classroom. She was not! She was an excelent student, too! However, even if she was struggling academically, she saved me many times by reminding me of the time. Wouldn't you like to reward this student or let her know how grateful you are for being the way she was? ABSOLUTELY!!

I would like to share with you how I used the awards in my class.  I didn't have a specific theme in my classroom, so I created The Rock Star Student Award. I gave this type of award to ALL of my students along with a goody bag. Oh boy! I'm telling y'all, they all loved their award and goody bag so much! Some of them even showed me the next school year they still had some of the goodies from there (I moved up with them to third grade). 

These are pictures of my goody bags :) Each bag had a card (click HERE if you would like to download it from my Google Docs. They come in color and B/W with a boy and girl version), two erasers (a guitar and a pick) from Geddes (they are not available anymore there, but you can find them on amazon), a pair of glasses that are called "shutted shades" (purchased at a craft store - Hobby Lobby), and a glowing in the dark bracelet (purchased at Dollar Tree).

This is a picture of the award that everyone got in my class, along with the goody bag. I had a girl and boy version, so I also made bags for boys and girls (same goodies, just different colors and cards).

Hope you like these as much as I did when I made them for my kids :) 
I have created a Free Sample of some awards, these are general awards and have no theme. The Free Sample comes with three awards, in both color and B/W versions. These only come in English, so I'm sorry, but I never had the time to create the whole thing in Spanish.My classroom theme was just animal prints so I didn't really want anything specific.
This sample is found on the preview of the product, so you will see the cost of the product and won't see the free sample by itself. 
All you have to do it's download the preview and you will find the 3 free awards: Smile (boy version, the girl version is in the paid product), hard worker, and perfect attendance. Would you like to download this sample? Just click HERE 
The rock star award is part of my paid product. If you would like the paid product, please click HERE.

I also have a second set of awards! On this set, the theme was all about Jungle stuff!! These awards are different from the first, not only because it has an actual theme, but also because it is editable; all you need is Power Point. I have included instructions when you click on the editable section. Editable means you can type your name and the student's name. Please be aware that "editable" means typing names only, I can't make the titles or the clipart editable due to the illustrators' copyright. Just in case you forget, I have included that information on the product :) Like I said, it is based on a jungle theme, so most of all (if not all) has jungle illustrations :) I have this free sample available in both ENGLISH and SPANISH

Thank you for stopping by today!! I hope you have found this post helpful and it motivates you to do a huge celebration in your classroom with some awards! :)

Before I say goodbye, remember we are having an AWESOME GIVEAWAY! Please enter on the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $50 TPT giftcard! All you need to do is visit the rest of my friends' blog posts and figure out the secret code! 

These are my other friends' blog posts! Please visit each of them! They have awesome ideas on how to finish the shcool year as well! :)