I have reserved this week, specifically to talk about Classroom Management and some units you can use on the first week of school or begin to use at the beginning of the school year. Also I wanted to share with you all a Free HW Pass Freebie! :)
Classroom Management
I am sure most of you already have a system or your school let's you know what procedures are needed to take for classroom management. In my case, I have been trained and I was required to use CHAMPS. I honestly did not really know what to do with it, except using the things my school already provided for me to use. However, one day I had a teacher asking me if I could make some posters for her in the Dual Program. So I thought "Duh! of course I could use these and place them all around my room!"
So I created 5 CHAMPS POSTERS in both English and Spanish. Then, I had a request on my TPT to add one for writing and/or independent practice, but leaving it blank, so I added that!
So the final product comes with 7 CHAMPS posters (Centers, Group Work, Line, Class, Carpet Time, and 2 blank posters with students are their desk working). About the Blank Posters: Google docs do not have a portrait option, so be aware that the editable document is in a landscape position. Please see the instructions in the beginning of the document to edit the document. One poster contains a student at a desk (can be used for tests or independent work) and the second poster contains two students working at their desk (can be used for reading/writing time). PLEASE know that you cannot edit the fancy/big font or the clip art due to copyrights.
Click HERE if you would like to check it out :)
This school district where I used to work was very strong about implementing CHAMPS, so after a year of using it, I came up with an interactive bulletin board in my classroom. I created this for a foam board, but you can honestly just put some magnets and have it up on your classroom dry-erase board (or chalkboard if that's what you have). At the beginning of the school year (maybe the first 3/4 months), I was mainly the one who used this board. We would use this board ALL THE TIME. For every activity, including: independent practice (I would just say independent practice and clarify with my students what kind of independent practice we are working on. In that way, we are not having illustrations for every specific activity), cooperative groups, carpet time, centers, and tests. However, after those months I would start picking students to do it and the rest of the class would participate on answering what was expected. When they realized I started picking students, they all wanted to be "the teacher." I didn't expect them to want that since they were in third grade, but they just loved it!!
Alright, this board works like this:
I would go letter by letter "C is for conversation (I would expect the students to answer after months of doing this)" Then I would say "What voice level are we on? Level 1 (Expect students to answer). Then I would say, show me what level 1 sound like (this level is whispering so students would start whispering to me). Then I would go letter by letter until we finish the word CHAMPS.
If you would like a copy of this, please click HERE to take you to my store. The only items that this product doesn't contained is the border that I used to decorate the foam board and the foam board. On the product, I included more pictures of how the board looks like and the illustrations come with labels so you know what they are used for. I also included a video on how to use the board, if you are more of a visual person like I am :)
On my NEW Mustache Unit (I have created other units with mustaches), you will find 56 pages in this unit. It comes with different activities, Some can be done in groups or whole class; some others can be done in partners or centers. These are all simple and fun; just perfect for the first week of school! The best part?! Like all of my products, it comes in English and Spanish!!!

This story comes with a foldable to write the B, M, and E of the story. It also comes with a foldable to compare and contrast the main two characters in the story.
2. Then, I added some ice breaker cards! I usually play some music and when it stops, students grab the first person near them to partner up. I included specific instructions on how to do this activity. They use their ice breaker card and then report it on an activity sheet.

4. I also included a writing activity! Students would interview a partner with a Question sheet (it includes 20 different questions) and they can include their own question too! Then they would make this fun poster/Foldable! Don't forget to take a picture with a mustache for your activity!
And this is what's in the inside. They will compare an contrast themselves with their new friend!

This might not be for the first week of school, but it sure is great to start building your alphabet bulletin board! I want to share with y'all the Alphabet Interactive Unit I have in my store. I created an English and a Spanish version. The pictures are in Spanish, but know that I have this unit in English as well. All the letters are to be placed on your bulletin board in the classroom (so students can see them daily and it can work as a visual for them). I pinned mine with thumbtacks so I put them up and take them down anytime.
I then pull down whichever letter we will need to work with my small groups. Each illustration has Velcro on the back so it can stick to it while working and for them to stay while it was hung on the board. I would go over the sound and each vocabulary word with my students. As we repeat the sounds and words, I then would let my students place it as they say the phrase, e.g. "A es de astronauta" (A is for astronaut). They LOVEEEEDD this part, I don't know if it was the whole velcro thing or the fact that they felt they could do it on their own :)
Finally, I created this booklet for them to put together. I didn't staple my sample, but you could staple them to make sure the pages stay together. You could use this as a Friday review of the letter learned, small group review, or even homework.

I really hope you love it so much that you want to purchase the packet! If you would like to see it or purchase it click on English or Spanish.
Before I let you go, I'd like to share with you a Free Homework Passes for a Jungle Theme I created in the past :) I know they are not monkeys or safari with animal prints, but the super Rock Stars characters have animal prints on their outfits (so that counts), PLUS they go better with the title :) They come in English and Spanish AND in color and Black & White.
Click HERE to take you to my TPT :)
Click HERE to take you to this freebie!
Well, this is it for me y'all! I hope you have found something useful for your class on this post :)
If you have some time, I'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave me a comment, I like hearing from my readers!
Also, if you have BlogLovin', follow me! so you don't miss the fun and latest posts!!! :) Click on the picture below to take you to my BlogLovin' page :)
Also, if you have BlogLovin', follow me! so you don't miss the fun and latest posts!!! :) Click on the picture below to take you to my BlogLovin' page :)
Thank you for stopping by and have a great 1st week back to work and a great upcoming school year! I'll be working on some new units with Free Samples and thinking about a giveaway for you lovely teachers!!! So stay tuned!!! :)