Let's jump to the point, shall we? :)
If you are in Pre-k and K.. maybe even 1st grade, you might want to read this part!
I used all of these last year when I taught pre-K.
1. I have color posters that come in both English and Spanish for FREE! Here is a picture of some of them. I posted these on my white board so we used these as we sang our color song every morning! Click HERE to take you to my TPT store to download... PLEASE, I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE YOU LEAVING ME SOME FEEDBACK :)
2. I also have number posters that also come in both English and Spanish for FREE! Here is a picture of some of them. We also used these as we sang along every morning.. My kids used to LOVEEE pointing at them as we count in our song. Click HERE to take you to my TPT store to download... PLEASE, I WOULD REALLY APPRECIATE YOU LEAVING ME SOME FEEDBACK :)
3. Now, I have another Freebie that was absolutely the best thing during morning routine for my kids!
Basically, I printed all the sheets in a real poster size, yes big size! I laminated them and placed magnets on the back of the figures (the sun, clouds, rainbow, etc). I placed all these on my board along with the rest of the posters we used every morning. So on one day I would choose a weather person, look through the window and talk to me about what the weather was like for the day. So then,this same student would go in front of the class say the weather and then choose the correct illustration and place it on the big poster that shows the days of the week. Sometimes we had time to do the "What should I wear today?" and sometimes we didn't, but it was there :)
They absolutely loveeeedd talking and looking at the weather! I hate myself for not taking any pictures of it! So I am so so sorry! Sadly, I don't have it anymore, either! The moment I stopped teaching I gave it away to the teacher who was going to teach Pre-K and I never asked her to take a picture for me. This is the closest preview I could create for you to have an idea of what it is, before you go to my store!
Click HERE to take you to my TPT store. I would love to see your feedback if you download this product! :)
4. Months of the Year in both English and Spanish! We used these also every morning and we sang along as we pointed the cards! Click HERE to take you to my TPT store.
I placed magnet in all the small signs and their pictures. That made it easy in case I needed to change partners and when we had to do a rotation (I used to move the signs when rotating).
These also come in English and Spanish. I included a slide with the list of the signs so you know what comes in it. The following signs are included: Senses, Reading, Listening, Writing, Blocks, Science, Social Studies, Kitchen, Teacher, Puzzles, Computers, ABC, Art, Math.
If you would like to download this freebie, click HERE.
This following Freebie applies to every grade!
I have always wanted to have this next to my door, so I finally finished it! There are cards that you can tape or hot glue onto a ribbon, use a cloth pin to let people know where you are.
I am letting you know this is a little bit different than the others. I made mine BIG.. I mean, BIG like TEXAS BIG Y'ALL! LOL Each circle is about 5'', so before you download it, make sure you check out the picture.. I took some close ups and then a picture to show the whole ribbon...
Click HERE if you would like to download this Freebie.

Awwww my little helper back then! Now she has way more hair and she's so bigger now!!! Time does really flyyyyy :(
This might apply only to those grades that have interactive notebooks (or journals)
Last but not least, I wanted to remind you that if you follow me on Facebook, you can get access to my Freebie Folder for Fans! I have journal posters in there that can be yours for FREE!! You cannot find these at my TPT store, it is only for my Facebook Fans! :) There are five different covers all come in English and Spanish! The covers are for Science, Math, Poetry, Writing, and Reading.
Then you scroll down, and you will see on the left a folder that says "Fan Freebies".
Click on it and you'll see a page that says "Click here to get your Freebie" that has a monkey. If you don't see this page, it means you did not like the page. So make sure you do in order to activate the folder :)
When you click on it, it will take you to a folder where I have documents in it (not so many, but I am working on it). Click on the document you will like to download. and click on the arrow that says "download"
Hope all these steps help you all! I only had one person who was not able to get in, not really sure how or why. But my goal was to make this more visual for those that need more of it :)
Thank you for stopping by my blog today, I know it was a long post, but I hope you were able to download some or all of these freebies! I'll be posting some products next week to help you get started on those first crazy days or weeks of school!!! Activities and classroom management is on my mind for next post, so stay tuned! :)