Saturday, September 24, 2016

Community Helpers Freebie and Science

Hello everyone!
Can you believ we are already in September?! OMG!
I hope your school year is going well and that you are getting SOMEHOW some kind of resting time (I know is easier said than done..).

I wanted to share with y'all my a freebie I have had in my store for a while, but it is definitely a goodie! It is a matching game for community helpers. I have a friend who used to teach younger students and she gave me the idea to create this activity :) I created this in both English and Spanish, and for those that teach DUAL LANGUAGE Classrooms! This can be useful for a Dual Language Classroom if you print both English and Spanish word versions and they have to match the community helpers in English with the community helpers in Spanish :)
Click HERE to take you to my store you can download it for free :)

I also wanted to share some freebies and ideas on what to do for states of matter in Science :)

We created a tri-foldable to show the different states of matter and how the particles/molecules of each state looks like. The difference between this idea and mine was that we didn't draw the pictures. We used Fruit Lopps to represent the molecules inside each state. Now, I sadly don't have pictures, because some uninvited guests came to my classroom and chew on them (YESSSSS!! EWWWWWWWW.. After that I never hang or left anything with food in our classroom. I always had my kids taking it with them home...)
Click on MY PINTEREST to see where I got the idea from :)

We had a weekly lab day in my school, so we were able to do lots of different experiments...
I found the perfect way to do easy soda bombs!!! We talked about soda being a liquid and combining it with Mentos (which are solid) will create a chemical reaction by producing gas, making this gas exploding from the bottle. My students had so much fun doing this as an experiment.
I got the idea from the following blog: PANCAKES AND FRENCH FRIES

Also, during Science Lab, we did Oobleck (I obtained the recipe from a mailbox book, but you can always look it up on Pinterest) :)
I created this recording sheet to record our observations

Lastly,we did some sorting activity on our Science journals to classify matter in solid, liquid, and gas.

If you would like those two sheets, Click HERE to download your FREE copy :)

Remember I am on BlogLovin' and if you would like to get my posts through email so you don't miss the fun, you can sign up on "follow me by email" (click HERE for instructions)!

That is it for right now! I am starting to work on a new craft these days! I am getting all excited on how the one pattern is turning out into so many different options! Have a wonderful weekend and hope to see you back soon! :)

Saturday, September 17, 2016

New Unit - Complete Sentences with a Free Sample!

Hello everyone and welcome back!!!
Today I want to share the AWESOME NEWS (at least for me)!!! I have finished a small unit, YAYYY!!!!! I am very happy and I feel very accomplished that I finished this unit on time and by the date I wamted to finish it!!
Sooooooo I would like to share with you what I have created, and of course, I will not leave you empty handed.. I have a FREE SAMPLE to go with it!!

This is a peek of what the unit contains. I just created one for English, because the one in Spanish is THE WHOLE SAME THING, except for the language :) This is a perfect unit to do during these weeks! Just the beginning of school these babies need some reinforcement! :) If you would like to check it out click on English or Spanish.

This unit contains the following:
1. Foldable to sort sentences.
2. Sorting sentences between complete vs incomplete.
3. Game board to identify complete and incomplete sentences.
4. Identify complete and incomplete sentences using a cloth pin.
5. Scramble sentences.
6. Subject and predicate puzzle to create complete sentences.
7. Answer questions with complete sentences.
8. Mr. Pencil craft to go along with writing topics OR preview sorting activity (from #2)

As I mentioned, I wouldn't leave you hanging! So I created a FREE SAMPLE for you to take a look and see maybe you would like to purchase the whole unit :)
This freebie contains two posters with a definition of a complete and incomplete sentences. PLUS an activity for students to keep in their ELA/SLAR interactive notebook. It comes with sentences for them to cut and sort between complete and incomplete sentences :)
Click HERE to download it!

Now, I was thinking I have not done any giveaway for a long time! Since this is a new unit, why not?! Head over my FACEBOOK PAGE to enter for a chance to win a copy of this unit! 3 simple steps: like my post, share it, and tag a friend! :) I will announce the winner by tomorrow night (Sunday Sept 18th)!

This is it for me my friends! I am very pumped for my new unit and how I am meeting my goals so far! Please check back with me next week because I have more freebies (oldies, but goodies!)

Remember I am on BlogLovin' and if you would like to get my posts through email so you don't miss the fun, you can sign up on "follow me by email" (click HERE for instructions)!

Thursday, September 8, 2016

September Linky Party and Giveaway!

Once again, I am really excited to be back for our monthly linky party and giveaway!! :)

Since most of you know, I'm staying home with my 2 year old baby girl and my baby boy of 4 months old. When "pollita" was almost 2 and I was pregnant, I did some volunteering at the school I used to work when I was teaching. I got a chance to volunteer during the best time of the school year, book fair! :)
I got to see so many new books that I couldn't resist to buy them! I don't know about y'all, but I just LOVEEEEEE Caldecott books! I love them so much, that I wish they all came in Spanish (could I translate for them one day? haaaa! I wish THAT!)
For some of you who are not really familiar with this award, The Caldecott Award (click on the link to take you to their official website), is a medal that is given to the illustrator of the book every year.
Anyways! I saw this caldecott medal winner of 2015 (they always get my attention!), named "Beekle." The front cover "was starring at me" and whispering to me "take me!". So I asked my friend, who is the librarian about it and she couldn't say anything bad about the story! I automatically started to read it and I could NOT just leave it there by itself! So I brought it home with me :)
I am telling you people, if you have not read it or own it yet, don't wait! The illustrations are AMAZING (Duh! Caldecott winner right??) and the story just melts my heart every.time.!!! It's about an "unimaginary friend" who does not have any friends in his own world, so he goes to our world to look for one! He is sooooo cute I could just squeeze him!!! :) This is a great story for ANY TIME of the school year, but I think it suits EVEN BETTER at the beginning to teach those little fellas about making friends!
Here is a peek of a few pages of the book:

Long story short (not so short at this point though), I decided to do a reading response booklet along with a Free Sample :)

This sample DOES NOT INCLUDE THE CRAFT... You will get a taste of what's inside the Reading Responses Booklet. The first two pages of this set is for you to enjoy and try it...

The free sample comes in both English and Spanish in one whole document. So if you would like to download it, please click HERE

If you would like to know more about the rest of the booklet, here is more information :)
The more I looked at it, the more pages I had to include! I am really happy with it, I hope you also find it cute AND useful!
Here is what it's included in the booklet:
Favorite part of the story (Free Sample)
B, M, E foldable (Free Sample)
B, M, E graphic organizer
Invent an activity
2 things you and your best friend
Making connections
If you met Beekle
What would you have done?
Beekle Character traits
Your imaginary friend character trait
Beekle Booklet Craft

Click on ENGLISH or SPANISH to take you to my TPT

I hope you find all this useful for your class, Thank you all so much for stopping by my blog today!

Don't forget this is the best part of my post! Click on the Rafflecopter to enter for a chance to win a TPT giftcard!
ALSO, my blogger friends and I have come together to do this linky party and offer you awesome freebies!! Make sure you stop by their blogs to see what they have to offer! :)

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Place value for 2nd and 3rd

Hello everyone!
I am back with some freebies and a Math unit that I am sure it will be helpful and fun for your kiddos!! This will be a very short post, so don't go anywhere! :)

My Math unit is all about place value! It has many different activities to practice number comparison, standard/expanded/word forms, ordering numbers, etc. To check out this unit on my TPT, please click HERE
Here is a little peek:

And of course, I couldn't leave you hanging without a freebie!! I created a "GoFish" game for place value that can be used for intervention (if you teach third grade) or for younger grades! This game comes with both Spanish and English instructions. I also added a sheet with 4 different examples for students to work on and keep in their interactive Notebooks (these are up to number 999). There are about 30 sets of cards, all mixed with tens, hundredths, and a thousands place. If you have the little ones, just remove the cards you won't need and easy peasy! :)

Here is a preview of what comes in it :)

Grab this freebie now! Click HERE to take you to my TPT

Have a great rest of the week, stay tuned because there I am working on a mini unit for ELA/SLAR and I feel like doing a giveaway on it! After all, it's been a while since my last giveaway ;)