Friday, February 24, 2017

NEW Reading Response Booklet, excellent for ANY BOOK!!

Hello again!
Yes! Two days after my last blog post?! oh yes! I was too excited to finish my NEW Booklet, so here I am again!
I would like to share with you all my NEW Reading Response Booklet! This time, I have created something you can USE WITH ANY BOOK! :) It is PERFECT for Read Across America!
I am so happy with this product and I think you will, too! I started with the Paper Bag idea, but then I thought: "Two are better than one!" Don't you agree?!?

This cutie patootie (Can you tell how excited I am?!) is a mini paper bag booklet! Very easy to make! All the reading responses sheets are cut and glued on the pages inside!

Then I thought about making a simple version! Just staple the reading responses sheets underneath the craft and this cute book craft turns into a booklet! 

You might wonder what's in the inside?! Well here is the list of things it contains:
1. Favorite Book
2. B, M, E graphic organizer
3. Main characters
4. Reason why this is my favorite book
5. Making connections
6. Favorite part of the story
7. Character Traits
8. Problem of the story
9. Favorite Character
10. If you met the author
11. Change the end
12. Characters Change
13. Rhyming 
14. Book Paper bag Craft AND Book Craft

As you can see my friends, this is an awesome way to engage your students and also give them some liberty on picking the book they want to focus on. It also gives YOU the liberty to use it any time of the year and for any book! Lastly, I want to say that you don't have to use all of the reading responses sheets, you can choose what to give your students at that time for that specific book.
I hope you find this new product very useful and want to check it out at my store! As usual, it comes in English and Spanish :) Click English or Spanish to take you to the TPT product page :)

Well my friends, that's all for now! I hope you are looking forward to this upcoming week! I know I will be helping out a friend by reading a book for Read Across America. So I'm pretty excited about that! I'm taking both of my "babies" this time, so wish me luck! ;) Have an awesome weekend and a fantastic week my friends, see ya next time!

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Read Across America Day!!! Theme Unit WITH a Freeeebieeeeeee :)

Hello all my friends and welcome back!
This past week has been amazing and so heartwarming! Thank you to all my followers and all my friends who have join me on this awesome celebration! I have seen so many entries and so many messages with a "thank you" and congratulations! Thank you ALL so very much!!

I am very happy to write this blog post! I get very excited on these upcoming days! There is no secret I enjoy celebrating and I JUST LOVE Read Across America Day! I have so much fun reading and doing activities with my students about THAT cat and other characters! :)

First of all, I wanted to share with you an oldie, but a goodie activity I did with my students before. Because we are not allowed to create anything relate to Seuss (or anything like that) and put it up on a selling website, I decided to make something with the products they provide at their own website! I got the patterns from Seussville on this link: 
They have tons of different sheets and activities you can use :) I used the "Elephant Ears" sheet from there. The face of the elephant I just kinda drew it at that moment, but again, because we can't create anything to share, I don't even think I saved it (so sorry!). To make the dust speck, I got a bunch of green pipe cleaners and some sparkly pom-poms. My students colored the elephant and they cut and paste true/false statements based on the book. I think they would have came up better if we only used gray construction paper, but I really wanted them to do some coloring and make these on their own, instead of just cutting and gluing. Here is a picture of what they looked like! I was really happy how they turned out :)

I also want to share with you what might be a good activity for this upcoming days for those little ones and maybe up to 3rd grade if you are still working on rhyming :)

I have a UNIT SAMPLE for FREE! I have a memory game for rhyming words. This game can be played by 2 or more students (independently) or you can even use it during small groups (if that's a skill you are working on with them). I can think about a whole class demonstration as well if it's needed. Nevertheless, I think this simple and yet fun game can be a good fit for your class! :)
Here are some pictures on how the game goes.

This Freebie comes in both English or Spanish. If you get a chance to download it, I hope you come back to leave me your feedback! :)

Click HERE to download the English Rhyming Freebie.

Click HERE to download the Spanish Rhyming Freebie.

After I created a sample, I knew I had to do a whole THEME UNIT. So, here is my unit with different centers for both Math and ELA or SLAR.
Both of the packets (Spanish and English) contains the following centers:
[1] Nouns vs. Verbs: instructions, 20 cards, answer key and activity sheet to give as an independent activity or use as an assessment.
[2] ABC order, 15 cards, instructions, answer key, and sheet to record their work.
[3] Writing Craftivity: Write about your favorite birthday and create a fun birthday cake!

[1] Fishy Probability: Mini cards to laminate and cut, instructions, Probability sheets, and Probability answer sheet.
[2] I knew it was true: addition and subtraction cards (with regrouping and without regrouping), instructions, 20 cards, answer key, and activity sheet to give as an independent activity or use as an assessment.
[3] Hooray for Arrays!: 20 cards (10 sets), instructions, and recording sheet to show work or use as an assessment.

Click HERE to see and purchase the English Unit.

Click HERE to see and purchase the Spanish Unit.

Alright friends! This is all I got for you today! I am off to finish a NEW Reading Response Booklet... it's pretty cool!! So stay tuned!

Remember I am on BlogLovin' and if you would like to get my posts through email so you don't miss the fun, you can sign up on "follow me by email" (click HERE for instructions)!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

2,000 Followers Celebration!!!!

I cannot believe I am here saying I am celebrating 2,000 followers! The journey has been so rewarding and heart warming that I can't express how thankful I am! My life has changed so much since I started selling my products and that is because of you! I appreciate all of you! I can't continue without thanking God for giving me the chance to keep up with my store! As well as my husband who has been nothing but supportive and understanding while I spend a lot of time creating my products :)
I know I have not been very consistent on adding new products, but I have been trying to add more everytime I can and when my babies are sleeping (many nights are not so good to be honest!) Seeing your feedback and seeing how more people decide to click that "follow me" button encourages me to continue and warms up my heart!

I want to celebrate as much as I can for this accomplishment and I want to start by giving back to you, my followers. I wouldn't be here celebrating if it wasn't for you!!! So let's get started!!!



First, I would like to thank my TPT followers, so if you were my follower until Friday February 10,2017 (Last follower #2,029), then you have received MY LATEST PRODUCT FOR FREE on your TPT inbox! This is MY NEWEST PRODUCT on my store, and you get it FOR FREE!! YESSSS TOTALLY FREE!!! I can't express enough how much you mean to me for deciding to follow me! This is an awesome craft and reading response sheets are included, these reading responses go along with the book "Love Monster" or "Mostruo y el Amor" (in Spanish).  This project is perfect to do as a whole group, independent work, or even centers! Your students can pick the book and do the reading responses respectively!

The fun does not end here my friends! Then, I started thinking "what else could I give away??" And then I saw a light at the end of the tunnel! I have been seeing MANY teachers on Instagram who are going CRAZY for the Rae Dunn products! I honestly have seen them and I was never crazy about them.. But then, I got myself ONE MUG.. I mean, ONLY ONE! And now?? I AM CRAZY about them!!! So I thought that this could be A PERFECT GIVEAWAY!!!
I have TWO MUGS available, so I will pick TWO WINNERS for this!

Remember the more entries you have, the more changes you have to win!!! To enter, please follow the steps on this Rafflecopter:

Since I am celebrating my followers on TPT, I figured... Let's giveaway a gift card!! Enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $25 TPT Giftcard! Remember the more entries you have, the more changes you have to win!!!

If you have seen me on my instagram, you know I loveeeee Target! I actually found out that some Targets are a little bit better than others in the Dollar Spot... so I actually drive more than 30 minutes to go to a very good one! That tells you how much I LOVE TARGET!!!
Anyways, I think there are so many people like me who loves this store as much as I do, so let's do a giveaway for a $25 Target giftcard!

Since we are going crazy with prizes, why don't we get even crazier?!... Let's also celebrate with a $21.00 gift card from the AMAZING Melonheadz!

Last, but definitely not least! I have many blog friends that have joined me to celebrate this HUGE event! They have all joined me to giveaway bundles by grades!!!

The first bundle is for our Bilingual teachers! Many of my amazing Bilingual friends have come together to join me and bring this great K-1 Bundle for you! There are 10 products in this Bundle!

Here is every product that's included in this bundle:
  1. Unidad de Ciclo de Vida - Escarabajos y Ranas
  2. Secuencias Temporales
  3. Spanish Writing Prompts
  4. Lecturitas de Comprension para Principiantes
  5. First Grade Math Assessments in Spanish
  6. Dress a Bear (Props)
  7. Apple Themed Dual Language Classroom Labels
  8. Lo mejor del 2016 - Poemas para el Invierno
  9. Unidad 6 - semana 1 - Letra CH
  10. Roll and Read Spanish Syllables
  11. Body Parts Bingo in Spanish

To enter, just follow the steps on the Rafflecopter. Remember the more entries you have, the more chances you get to win this bundle! :)

Next is the Bilingual 2-3 Bundle! These amazing teacher bloggers bring you lots of great products! Come check them out!

Here is every product that's included in this bundle:
  1. Nuestro Sistema Solar
  2. Trabajando con Prefijos
  3. Shapes Spanish
  4. Acentuacion
  5. Mi Diario de enero
  6. Pinky la mascota
  7. Spanish Homework
  8. Text Features
  9. Expanded Form
  10. Ratoncito Perez Tooth Traditions Spanish
  11. Librito para Dia de Accion de Gracias

To enter, just follow the steps on the Rafflecopter. Remember the more entries you have, the more chances you get to win this bundle! :)

Last is our K-2 Grades Bundle in English! These amazing teacher bloggers bring you lots of great products! Come check them out!

Here is every product that's included in this bundle:
  1. Life Cycle Unit - Butterflies & Ladibugs
  2. ABC Bundle Freize and Students Flash Cards
  3. Articulation Activity Booklets
  4. 100 Day of School Activities
  5. Mini Erasers Activity Sheets Math & Spelling
  6. K-2 Book Clubs (Bundle)
  7. Spring Read Alouds (Interactive Read Alouds)
  8. Coloring Pages for St Valentine's Day (Bundle)
  9. Daily Editing Practice
  10. Editable Super Hero Awards
    To enter, just follow the steps on the Rafflecopter. Remember the more entries you have, the more chances you get to win this bundle! :)

    Well, this is ALL we have for you! I really hope you get to win one of the amazing prizes above..


    Monday, February 6, 2017

    My NEW Reading Response Booklet, Valentine's Centers and TPT Sale!!!

    Hello everyone!
    I have been really busy working on a new  Reading Response Booklet!!! :)
    I am very happy with it and very excited because it is ready just on time for the looooveee season!!
    My new Reading Response goes along with the book "Love Monster." It is the lovely story about this funny-looking Monster who looks for someone to love him just the way he is... I love this story because it shows how important it is not to love people for their looks! There are more books of this cute and funny-looking character, so I'm planning on adding more in the future!

    Here is what it's included in the booklet:
    1.Favorite part of the story
    2.B, M, E foldable
    3.B, M, E graphic organizer
    5.Monster Character traits
    6.Monster Flyer Character Traits
    7. Change Solution 
    8.Making connections
    9.If you were Monster
    10.Defend your opinion
    11.Author’s Purpose
    12.Persuade Monster
    13.Characters Change

    14.Monster Booklet Craft

    If you would like to purchase this Rdng Response Booklet, click ENGLISH or SPANISH.

    I also wnated to remind you of my other products I have in my store! :)
    These are Math Centers for 3rd grade: it includes multiplication, measurement, word problems, comparing fractions, and a foldable to create bar graphs and pictographs. Come over my Store to have more details!!

    These are Language Art centers for 2nd grade: they include sequence for the story "Froggy's First Kiss", antonyms, and long a vs short a (English only), and suffixes vs prefixes (Spanish only). Come over my Store to have more details!!

    Last but not least my friends!! TPT is having a big sale starting tomorrow!! My entire store will be on sale as well! So make sure you visit me and check out my products! :)
    Click HERE to take you to my store!! 

    That is it for me today my friends! Remember I'm on BlogLovin', access to your favorite blogs in one place and so easy to use on your phone!
    If you don't want to miss any post, but you are busy to keep on checking, follow me by email!
    Click HERE to show you step by step on how to do it :)

    Friday, February 3, 2017

    Texas/Wild West unit Y'all! :)

    My friends this is just a quick post to remind you about my unit called "Welcome to Texas and the Wild West Y'all!"!
    I live in Texas, so one of our Social Studies TEKS are to teach about the symbols and our State. So I wanted to have a small Social Studies unit. However, I also know that not all grade levels go in depth for some of these activities and that the Rodeo is a BIG DEAL here in Texas. Soooo I decided to combine Social Studies, ELA/SLAR, and Math in a whole unit! :) That means, if you are not from Texas, but you would love to have a fun and interactive theme unit about the Wild West, this unit is also for you!!! As usual, the unit comes in English and Spanish.
    Here is a preview of what the English and Spanish versions look like! Just remember that both version are exactly the same! The only difference is the language used :)

    Click on ENGL or SPAN to read more details on the product

    To give you a little peek of the unit, I created a FREE SAMPLE. On this Sample I included BOTH the English and Spanish versions :) On this sample, I included a mini booklet to use after a Rodeo field trip and a colored puzzle for the Texas Pledge. Both Social Studies and Wild West theme included!
    Here is a preview of what this freebie looks like!

    Click HERE to download your FREE SAMPLE

    Well my friends, that's all I got for you! I hope my post has been useful to you and that you can try any or all of these activities with your class!
    Have an awesome weekend! I'm planning on posting something for Valentine's in a few days! So stay tuned!!! :D