When I had a classroom, I used to start going to my school to put it together in the middle of July... I used to start early, but not all day like crazy, just little by little.. I am sure most of you, if not all, are back into your classrooms decorating and maybe some even have finished with decorations (because we all have seen them on Facebook and Instagram!)... Anyhow, whatever your case is, I hope you are having a great time and that you are looking forward to a new school year! :)
I want to take some time today to share with you some of the classroom themes I have done in the past.

If you would like to see the Circus Theme classroom decor product on TPT, please click HERE.
Last but not least, I want to share this theme... If you are doing a superhero theme this year, you might want to check it out!! I am so excited about this theme. It is so colorful and fun! I really had a great time creating it...
If you would like to see this product, please click HERE to take you to my TPT store :)
I took some pictures of the sheets so you can have a better preview of what comes in it.
1. Name tags: These come in 3 different styles for boys and 3 different styles for girls. You can edit this document by typing the student's name on it :)
2. Calendar: This calendar comes with numbers, days of the week, months, cupcake pictures for those special birthdays, and cards to point out what day is today, what day was yesterday, and what day will be tomorrow :)
3. Material Tags: I have also included blank cards so you can type in words :)
4. Word Wall: It comes with all letters in both English and Spanish with four different styles. It comes with blank tags so you can write or type the words.
5. Behavior Chart and Subject Signs (ELA, Math, Science, and Social Studies).
6. Table Signs in both Spanish and English. My favorite is the Laser Eyed Heroes!! :)
I did not include pictures of the banner, but you can see some of the sheets on the product preview picture (the first picture I posted).
You might think I am crazy for decorating a door in my house, but when I did this, I still had one child and therefore I had a "me time"! LOL I am telling you, this makes me happy! Just to decorate and create stuff for the classroom.. I just love it and I can't have enough of it! Now I have two little blessings at home that love being with her mami and mami loves being with them as well :)
Anyhow! If you are looking for a fun decoration, check out my door! It is very simple and inexpensive to do!
I used a roll of blue paper for the background and black paper for the buildings. I used yellow construction paper to make the windows and bought the letters and borders at a teacher store.
I am going to be honest, I was going to stop there. But it looked so empty and sad!!! :( So I used a picture of my face to use as an example. I got some masks and some lighting clip art, print those on color cardstock, and whaalaaa!!
Before I go, I would also like to share with you a Snack that you can give to your students on the first day of school or Meet the Teacher Night. It is so simple and inexpensive! The yellow cereal is "Kix." I have never heard of this cereal before, but I saw it on a "healthy school list snack" and I tried it; it tastes pretty good! If you do not want to use that one, you can also use Corn Pops. I also used this with a colorful cereal, which is the Cap'n Crushs Oops all berries, but you can also use Trix or Froot Loops Loopers.
Click on FREEBIE, to grab yours now! :)
Alright friends, that's what I have for classroom decor! Hope you find something good for your classroom and you get to use it as well! :)
Thank you for stopping by today and have an awesome upcoming weeks before you get back to teaching those little ones (or big ones, too)!