Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Christmas Time with FREEBIES!!! A Linky party come join us!!

Heeeelllloooooooo!!! Anyone there?!?!?! Yessss, I AM HERE!!!!
My friends I am so so sorry you have not seen me lately! I have been very sick and I have not been able to create or do anything besides trying to get better and taking care of my "Pollita."
I have been feeling awful, but a good thing is coming out of this "sickness." We are expecting for the second time! We are thrilled and blessed God has given us the chance to be parents of a second baby! Unfortunately, like my first pregnancy, the nausea and sickness have been the worse and this time, it has been a little bit harder having a toddler at home :(
However, I am here trying to, at least, make a decent post (which is taking me more than one night to finish, by the way)... I would like to share with you some ideas of things I have done in the past and some class gift ideas for your kiddos.

If you are looking for a fun and educative way to decorate your bulletin board for the Holidays, you might want to keep on reading! :) I did this with my kiddos, but I never had the chance to take pictures or make the template. You know during those weeks after Thanksgiving and Christmas you realized they are all gone in a blink of an eye!

You can use this craft for any subject.
Here is a picture of the pretty and blank gift box craft. I just bought the bows from Walmart, because I was not gonna make them myself! For three simple reasons: 1. Who got the time for that? 2. I don't have time for that! and 3. Mostly important, I don't know how to make them. LOL

I used this for Math. Each student would make their own box, but they would work in partners to write the word problem, solve it, illustrate a model that corresponds to the problem, and write their answer in a complete sentence.

Then I thought, how can we turn this craft into some kind of Language Arts??? So, I came up with a writing activity. Students can write about their best gift. You can encourage them to write not only about a toy, but maybe a moment during Christmas they enjoyed the most! After all, Christmas is not only about getting a toy or a gift, it's about the quality times you get to spend with family and/or friends!

The Writing sheets come in BOTH English and SPANISH. So if you would like to download this craft, please click HERE.

A few weeks before our Christmas party we had worked on recycling with my students and we made some recycling construction paper. I intended to use the recycling paper to make Thanksgiving cards, but that never really happened. So we finally got a chance to use the paper! We made small Christmas cards with it and they turned out super cute! :)

If you would like to see my post on recycling paper, click on the following link:  Natural Resources & Recycling Activity

Christmas Party Class Gift
The last Christmas Party I had in my class, we watched "The Polar Express" and I gave a couple gifts to my students.
They automatically recognized the box by saying "just like in the movie!" They all loved the little box and I think it turned out super cute! :)

I purchased the mini boxes from Oriental Trading. I am not really sure if they still have it available, but here is the link to the product in case you would like to check it out! Click HERE

I purchased the mini bows from Wal-Mart.

I made the tickets myself and to make the tickets look more sparkly I bought a spray bottle from Michaels. Here is a picture of the bottle and it is called "Color Shine" and it's basically a spray that gives a sparkly look to the paper... I used the English version since my bilingual students were transitioned into English in 3rd grade, but they I created this in both English and Spanish :) If you would like to download the tickets for FREE, click HERE to take you to my TPT product.

I also made these mini bags that contained hot chocolate bags and mini marshmallows. 
You can download for FREE both tickets and tags on my TPT store, they both come in English and Spanish! :) Click HERE to take you to my TPT product.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today! I hope these ideas have been helpful to you and you can get to do some for your class!


Don't forget we have a fun and HUGE linky party going on! So click on the picture below to take you to other posts where some fantastic bloggers are sharing ideas and activities for this month! :)

Saturday, September 19, 2015

1,000 followers!!!! Let's throw the house out of the window!!! HUGE GIVEAWAYYYYY to Celebrateeeee

I have more than 1,000 reasons to be thankful!! First I want to thank God for giving me the opportunity to share and create educational products! I also want to thank my husband for supporting me through this crazy journal! He has been nothing but supportive and understanding while I spend a lot of time creating my products :) And of course, I thank all of my followers! It has been a long journey for me and many things have changed since I started this adventure of being a seller and a blogger! I want to thank all of you for staying with me in my ups and downs during this journey.
I started a few years, but I didn't start strong or consistent in my store or my blog. I have tried the past year and half to really dedicate time and energy onto this little "relaxing and "me" time" activity and I have seen myself grow as a teacher and blogger :)

I want to celebrate as much as I can for this accomplishment and I want to start by giving back to those followers, because let's be honest, I wouldn't be here celebrating if it wasn't for you!!!
I started thinking this past month on how to celebrate this milestone, I have been thinking of this since I hit my 900 followers... So you might want to keep reading because THIS IS HUGEEEE!!! :)

Before I present to you the different giveaways, I wanted to do a short tutorial on how to follow me through email and how to follow this blog. I am not sure how many of you know how to do it, but I remember when I just started, I have a good friend who didn't really know how to do it.. So here they are :)

Here are the steps to follow through email:
1. Type your email in the box and click"submit"

2. Once you click "submit" you will get a pop-up to confirm your subscription. Please type the code you see in the green letters and click on "Complete Subscription Request". EVERY SUBSCRIPTION GETS DIFFERENT CODES, SO WHATEVER YOU SEE BELOW WILL NOT BE THE SAME CODE YOU GET :)

3. Once you complete that, you'll be getting an email from FeedBurner with a link to confirm your subscription. If you don't see it, check your other folders or junk folder :) EASY PEASY!!!
You'll be getting an email with my next posts, so you don't miss a thing! :)

Here are the steps on how to follow me on this blog:
1.Click on "Join this Site"

2. They will ask you to log-in with an email account. 

3. Choose one of the options they are giving you. After you select one, they will ask you to type in your password once again. 

4. Fill out the information, if you can edit your picture so I get to see you! :) Then click on "Follow this blog" That's it! You'll be able to see yourself along with my other amigos!! :)


First, I wanted to thank those on my TPT, so if you were my follower until Friday September 18th, 2015 (Last follower #1,022), then you have received an EXCLUSIVE freebie on your TPT inbox! If you don't see it yet, don't worry, TPT takes a day to verify the the inbox messages first. This exclusive Freebie will not be available anywhere else in any other way, so you get to have it and for FREE!!! PLEASE I included a Terms of Use page at the beginning without any cover on purpose, so you can read those Terms of Use :) I have included a sneak peak of what you should have in your inbox to get you excited! :)

Then, I thought: "who doesn't love notepads and sticky notes??" I am one of those geek people who starts to giggle every time I go to staples or I see school supplies! So when I started brainstorming about this, the first thing came to my mind was Creative Paper...I just love the colorful and fun notepads and sticky notes from there! So I am giving away TWO DIFFERENT items of your choice!

Here are your choices (click on the link to see the dimensions and more details):
Option #1 , Option #2 , Option #3 , Option #4 , Option #5 , Option #6 , Option #7 , Option #8

Remember the more entries you have, the more changes you have to win!!! To enter, please follow the steps on this Rafflecopter:

Since I am celebrating my followers on TPT, I figured... Let's giveaway a gift card!! Enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a $25 TPT Giftcard! Remember the more entries you have, the more changes you have to win!!!

While we are throwing the house out the window... Let's also celebrate with a $21.00 gift card from the AMAZING Melonheadz!

Last, but definitely not least! I have many blog friends that have joined me to celebrate this HUGE event! They have all joined me to giveaway bundles by grades!!!

The first bundle is for our Bilingual teachers! Many of my amazing Bilingual friends have come together to join me and bring this great K-2 Bundle for you! There are 15 products in this Bundle!

Here is every product that's included in this bundle:
  1. Paquete 2-5 Silabas Bundle Grados Pk-2
  2. Spanish Food Flashcards
  3. Adding on the Farm
  4. Motivational Posters SPAN
  5. Centros de Septiembre
  6. La Fuerza Estará Contigo
  7. Centro de oraciones Octubre
  8. Spanish Color by Number 1-10 1-20 1-100
  9. Flags of Spanish Speakers Countries Coloring Pages
  10. French Alphabet
  11. Second Language Learners Vocab Cards
  12. Maravillas un buen comienzo semana 1, 2, 3 Las vocales
  13. Arturo y la bota Colors Printable Spanish Minibook and Activity Pack
  14. Rhyming Mats in Spanish
  15. Completa el Cuento Septiembre
  16. Spanish Awards Certificates
  17. 42 Songs for Spanish Class

To enter, just follow the steps on the Rafflecopter. Remember the more entries you have, the more chances you get to win this bundle! :)

Next is the K-1 Bundle in English! These amazing teacher bloggers bring you lots of great products! Come check them out!

Here is every product that's included in this bundle:
  1. The Alphabet Bulletin Board, Small Groups & Interactive Booklet
  2. Fluency Activities 1st Grade No Prep
  3. Short Vowels CVC Words Highlight Records
  4. Easy as ABC Alphabet Activity Pack
  5. Color for Fun - First Semester Bundle
  6. Writing Essentials for Beginnig Writers
  7. Interactive Notebook Pages for Guided Reading
  8. Mad Minutes Math Fact
  9. Play Practice Prove 1st Grade
  10. Kindergarten Narrative Writing
  11. Fast Phonics
  12. Cooking with Fairy Tales Recipes
  13. Word Wall Word Cards
  14. Sentences Writing and Practice
  15. How is our Bear-havior?
  16. Goal Met Lanyard Tags
  17. Word Families
  18. A is for Alphabet - An Letter Practice Unit
  19. CVC Word Boxes Task Cards
  20. Addition & Subtraction Word Problems No Prep

To enter, just follow the steps on the Rafflecopter. Remember the more entries you have, the more chances you get to win this bundle! :)

Last is our 2-3 Grades Bundle in English! These amazing teacher bloggers bring you lots of great products! Come check them out!

Here is every product that's included in this bundle:
  1. Life Cycle Ladybugs & Butterflies Unit 
  2. Science Tool Exploration
  3. Writing Prompts
  4. Columbus Day Close Reading
  5. Roll and Write Silly Halloween Sentences
  6. Morning Work Collection
  7. 2nd & 3rd Word Problem Solving Fall Bundle
  8. Rounding Task Cards
  9. Words in Context
  10. Graphs Galore With Entire Graphing Gang Sets
  11. Grocery Student Binder
  12. iSnoop: Superhero Triple Digit Addition With Regrouping
To enter, just follow the steps on the Rafflecopter. Remember the more entries you have, the more chances you get to win this bundle! :)

Well, this is ALL I have for you! I really hope you get to win one of the amazing prizes above..


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Quick Post on Freebie for Place Value

Hello friends! :)
I am stopping by very fast just to show you my new freebie...
I am about to work with some students and I am going to start with some place value. I created this for both 1st and 2nd grade. The "Go Fish" game comes with both Spanish and English instructions. I also added a sheet with 4 different examples for students to work on and keep in their interactive Notebooks (these are up to number 999). There are about 30 sets of cards, all mixed with tens, hundredths, and a thousands place. If you have the little ones, just remove the cards you won't need and easy peasy! :)

Here is a preview of what comes in it :)

Grab this freebie now! Click HERE to take you to my TPT

Have a great rest of the week, stay tuned because there are BIG, HUGE surprises in a few weeks! If you are not my TPT follower yet, please DO... I have more surprises for YOU!!! (hint, hint)

Be sure to check other Freebies on TBA (Teaching Blog Addicts) for Friday September 11th, 2015.

Friday, September 4, 2015

New Syllables in SPANISH with Free Sample

Hello everyone!
I hope your weeks of school have been getting less crazy and those babies are getting a hold of your expectations and starting to settle down :)
On my side, I have been working very hard these past weeks on some great Spanish units for all ages, well not all ages, but for grades Prek-2nd...
A good friend of mine, asked me last year if I had something for syllables in Spanish and I didn't have anything back then... so it made me think we all need to either teach or review those fun syllables at some point in the school year. I remember when I was teaching 2nd grade, that was something I would review at the beginning of the school year and longer for those little babies who needed it as an intervention during RTI... So I made this product for both low and high levels...
I created one unit per syllable. Meaning I have one unit all for 2 syllables, 3 syllables, and one unit for both 4 & 5 syllables! I also created my first bundle! So if you would like to save some money, don't buy them individually, buy the bundle! :)

So here are some pictures to show you what I included!

1. All units include a section for puzzles! The low level has a picture that you put on top of another, and the high level includes the syllables to place in the blank space.

2. All units also include a booklet to make :) You can always storage this booklet in your interactive notebook (or journal like we used to call it a couple years ago). The low level has the syllables so they can cut and paste to make the word. The high level has blocks where they can write the syllables to make the word. Both levels have a sentence to complete to determine how many syllables the word has.

3. Last but not least, all units have cutting and paste squares to determine how many syllables the word has. These have been designed to put in their interactive notebooks. However, you can always staple them and make them mini-mini booklets :)

Would you like to taste the water before purchasing it? I though you'd never ask! ;)
This Sample it's a little long, JUST BECAUSE I decided to place all syllables (2-4 syllables) in it. I didn't think separating them by syllables would do any good!
Click HERE to download the Free Sample! :)

If you really liked the sample (which I really hope you did), please leave me some feedback! :) Hopefully you liked it so much that you want to purchase the units!

Click HERE to take you to the 2 syllable unit product

Click HERE to take you to the 3 syllable unit product

Click HERE to take you to the 4 & 5 syllable unit product

Now, what about if you need them all??? No problem, I have your back!!! :) I created a BUNDLE for all these three units, in that way you can save money! Each unit is $3.00, so that'll make $9.00 total if you buy each of them.. HOWEVER, if you buy the bundle, it costs $6.00! You are saving $3!!! That's a great DEAL!!! :)
Click HERE to take you to the BUNDLE

Well that's it for me today! I hope you have found this product helpful for you and your class!
I want to let you know that I'll be working on some special and unique product for my TPT followers!! My last freebie was sent when I had 500 followers and I am really close to hit my FIRST Milestone! So I am planning on "throwing the house out of the window" to celebrate this great accomplishment! :) Besides this EXCLUSIVE freebie that I will be working on, I'll be also giving away some good stuff you will NOT want to miss out! So stay tuned my friends!!! :)

Thank you for stopping by, I'll be back soon!!! 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Classroom Management, 1st Week of School, HW Freebie, and Alphabet Bulletin Board for PK-1!

Hello everyone!
I have reserved this week, specifically to talk about Classroom Management and some units you can use on the first week of school or begin to use at the beginning of the school year. Also I wanted to share with you all a Free HW Pass Freebie! :)

Classroom Management
I am sure most of you already have a system or your school let's you know what procedures are needed to take for classroom management. In my case, I have been trained and I was required to use CHAMPS. I honestly did not really know what to do with it, except using the things my school already provided for me to use. However, one day I had a teacher asking me if I could make some posters for her in the Dual Program. So I thought "Duh! of course I could use these and place them all around my room!"
So I created 5 CHAMPS POSTERS in both English and Spanish. Then, I had a request on my TPT to add one for writing and/or independent practice, but leaving it blank, so I added that!
So the final product comes with 7 CHAMPS posters (Centers, Group Work, Line, Class, Carpet Time, and 2 blank posters with students are their desk working). About the Blank Posters: Google docs do not have a portrait option, so be aware that the editable document is in a landscape position. Please see the instructions in the beginning of the document to edit the document. One poster contains a student at a desk (can be used for tests or independent work) and the second poster contains two students working at their desk (can be used for reading/writing time). PLEASE know that you cannot edit the fancy/big font or the clip art due to copyrights.
Click HERE if you would like to check it out :)

This school district where I used to work was very strong about implementing CHAMPS, so after a year of using it, I came up with an interactive bulletin board in my classroom. I created this for a foam board, but you can honestly just put some magnets and have it up on your classroom dry-erase board (or chalkboard if that's what you have). At the beginning of the school year (maybe the first 3/4 months), I was mainly the one who used this board. We would use this board ALL THE TIME. For every activity, including: independent practice (I would just say independent practice and clarify with my students what kind of independent practice we are working on. In that way, we are not having illustrations for every specific activity), cooperative groups, carpet time, centers, and tests. However, after those months I would start picking students to do it and the rest of the class would participate on answering what was expected. When they realized I started picking students, they all wanted to be "the teacher." I didn't expect them to want that since they were in third grade, but they just loved it!! 

Alright, this board works like this:
I would go letter by letter "C is for conversation (I would expect the students to answer after months of doing this)" Then I would say "What voice level are we on? Level 1 (Expect students to answer). Then I would say, show me what level 1 sound like (this level is whispering so students would start whispering to me). Then I would go letter by letter until we finish the word CHAMPS.

If you would like a copy of this, please click HERE to take you to my store. The only items that this product doesn't contained is the border that I used to decorate the foam board and the foam board. On the product, I included more pictures of how the board looks like and the illustrations come with labels so you know what they are used for. I also included a video on how to use the board, if  you are more of a visual person like I am :)

For the First week of School or Beginning of School
On my NEW Mustache Unit (I have created other units with mustaches), you will find 56 pages in this unit. It comes with different activities, Some can be done in groups or whole class; some others can be done in partners or centers. These are all simple and fun; just perfect for the first week of school! The best part?! Like all of my products, it comes in English and Spanish!!!

If you haven't seen my past blog posts, I would like to show you what's in it and hopefully you like it as much as I do so you purchase it! :)

1. I created this made-up story about a kid named Jack, who just moved to a new town called Mustacheville. This kid has a mustache and feels left out by the other kids because he's different (he has a purple mustache). However, the story changes when he meets someone else, someone who is also different than the other kids!
This story comes with a foldable to write the B, M, and E of the story. It also comes with a foldable to compare and contrast the main two characters in the story.

2. Then, I added some ice breaker cards! I usually play some music and when it stops, students grab the first person near them to partner up. I included specific instructions on how to do this activity. They use their ice breaker card and then report it on an activity sheet. 

 3. What more fun than Bingo? An ice breaker Bingo! You can have students in small groups or as a whole class!

4. I also included a writing activity! Students would interview a partner with a Question sheet (it includes 20 different questions) and they can include their own question too! Then they would make this fun poster/Foldable! Don't forget to take a picture with a mustache for your activity! 

And this is what's in the inside. They will compare an contrast themselves with their new friend! 

5. Time for some I have, who has... Game!! Simple addition facts for your class!

6. Last, but not least. I included some addition word problems. This might be a little challenging for the first week. However, I included both low and high level word problems! So you get to choose which level fits best for your class on the first week of school! It comes with an answer sheet and a sheet for them to show their strategy. Every level comes with 10 cards. I figured this is too much for the first week of school, so on the instructions, I said for them to pick three cards and work in partners! But remember you can always change the rules if you think your class is ready for some more :)

If you would like to see this product, click on English or Spanish :)

Alphabet Units, great to start using from the beginning of the school Year

This might not be for the first week of school, but it sure is great to start building your alphabet bulletin board! I want to share with y'all the Alphabet Interactive Unit I have in my store. I created an English and a Spanish version. The pictures are in Spanish, but know that I have this unit in English as well. All the letters are to be placed on your bulletin board in the classroom (so students can see them daily and it can work as a visual for them). I pinned mine with thumbtacks so I put them up and take them down anytime.

I then pull down whichever letter we will need to work with my small groups. Each illustration has Velcro on the back so it can stick to it while working and for them to stay while it was hung on the board. I would go over the sound and each vocabulary word with my students. As we repeat the sounds and words, I then would let my students place it as they say the phrase, e.g. "A es de astronauta" (A is for astronaut). They LOVEEEEDD this part, I don't know if it was the whole velcro thing or the fact that they felt they could do it on their own :)

Finally, I created this booklet for them to put together. I didn't staple my sample, but you could staple them to make sure the pages stay together. You could use this as a Friday review of the letter learned, small group review, or even homework. created a FREE SAMPLE in Spanish if you would like to give it a try :) Please click HERE for the Spanish Free Sample. also have a FREE SAMPLE for English :) Please click HERE to take you to the English free sample.

I really hope you love it so much that you want to purchase the packet! If you would like to see it or purchase it click on English or Spanish.

Before I let you go, I'd like to share with you a Free Homework Passes for a Jungle Theme I created in the past :) I know they are not monkeys or safari with animal prints, but the super Rock Stars characters have animal prints on their outfits (so that counts), PLUS they go better with the title :) They come in English and Spanish AND in color and Black & White.
Click HERE to take you to my TPT :)

I just finished creating one for the Superheroes Theme... It also comes in English and Spanish.. both color and black/white versions :)
Click HERE to take you to this freebie!

Well, this is it for me y'all! I hope you have found something useful for your class on this post :)
If you have some time, I'd love to hear from you! Please feel free to leave me a comment, I like hearing from my readers!
Also, if you have BlogLovin', follow me! so you don't miss the fun and latest posts!!! :) Click on the picture below to take you to my BlogLovin' page :)

Thank you for stopping by and have a great 1st week back to work and a great upcoming school year! I'll be working on some new units with Free Samples and thinking about a giveaway for you lovely teachers!!! So stay tuned!!! :)

Be sure to check other Freebies on TBA (Teaching Blog Addicts) for Friday August 21, 2015.