Hello y'all!! I am so excited to be part of this great Link-Up!!! I DECIDED TO EXTEND THIS FREE PRODUCT UNTIL TONIGHT, AUGUST 1ST!!! :)
Some great ladies and I have come together to bring you some great stuff!
I just finished a unit that is PERFECT for the first week of school! I have to be honest, when the whole mustache theme came up, I didn't really get it back then. But I started finding more and more stuff and I just fell in love with it! Now, I can't stop my love for it!!!
I have created other units with mustaches, but this is a bright new unit! You will find 56 pages in this unit. It comes with different activities, Some can be done in groups or whole class; some others can be done in partners or centers. These are all simple and fun; just perfect for the first week of school!
The best part?! You get to choose the unit in English or Spanish!!!
I would like to show you what's in it and hopefully you like it as much as I do so you enter on this great giveaway!!
1. I created this made-up story about a kid named Jack, who just moved to a new town called Mustacheville. This kid has a mustache and feels left out by the other kids because he's different (he has a purple mustache). However, the story changes when he meets someone else, someone who is also different than the other kids!
This story comes with a foldable to write the B, M, and E of the story. It also comes with a foldable to compare and contrast the main two characters in the story.
2. Then, I added some ice breaker cards! I usually play some music and when it stops, students grab the first person near them to partner up. I included specific instructions on how to do this activity. They use their ice breaker card and then report it on an activity sheet.
4. I also included a writing activity! Students would interview a partner with a Question sheet (it includes 20 different questions) and they can include their own question too! Then they would make this fun poster/Foldable! Don't forget to take a picture with a mustache for your activity!
And this is what's in the inside. They will compare an contrast themselves with their new friend!
5. Time for some I have, who has... Game!! Simple addition facts for your class!
6. Last, but not least. I included some addition word problems. This might be a little challenging for the first week. However, I included both low and high level word problems! So you get to choose which level fits best for your class on the first week of school! It comes with an answer sheet and a sheet for them to show their strategy. Every level comes with 10 cards. I figured this is too much for the first week of school, so on the instructions, I said for them to pick three cards and work in partners! But remember you can always change the rules if you think your class is ready for some more :)
I hope you find this unit helpful and you enter on my Rafllecopter. It is very simple to enter, just follow the steps :)
There will be more link-ups coming up (we will be doing this link-up once a month)!
So make sure you follow me on BlogLovin' so you don't miss the fun and the chance to win abother unit!!! :) Click on the picture below to take you to my BlogLovin' page :)
If you would like to see what the other ladies are sharing, click HERE to take you to The Little Ladybug Shop!