Monday, March 30, 2015

Flash Post!!! Eggcellent FREEBIE!!!

Hello everyone!!!
I am here to post very fast about a freebie I had just finished. It is a little late, but hopefully you can download it and use it for this week or next week :)
Hope your week is going well and that you are looking forward to the long weekend!!!

Two students can work together to work on this. Each get a bunny with a wheeler; they spin it and mark on their laminated graph with a dry-erase marker. They stop spinning once any of the items have reached the top. MAKE SURE THEY DON'T ERASE THEY RESULTS, THEY'LL BE USING IT ON THEIR BOOKLET.

Next, they record their result on their paper graph.

Once they finished recording it on the graph sheet (they need to color the eggs as well), they can start writing their conclusions on the question section.

Once they finished they can work on their booklet by coloring the front cover.

Would you like a copy? Of course!!! Just click on the front cover :)

Thank you for stopping by, stay tuned!! :)

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Celebrating the Spring in Our Step Linky and Giveaway

Hello everyone!! Welcome back and thank you for joining us for some Spring fun!! I have joined several and wonderful ladies to Celebrate the Spring in Our Step!!!
This might not be exactly a mile stone, but to me it kinda is!! :) I have been working at my best to have more followers and I finally have 500 TPT followers!! I am working on a product/surprise for my followers. If you have seen my preview posts, you might get a clue of what it might be ;) I am thankful to God for giving me the opportunity to create products that are helpful to students and teachers... That to me, is the best feeling I can get :) The best way to see if I am doing a good job is when I see more followers :)

This is not education related, but I am so blessed by God. I have a 10-month-old baby that rocks my world and an excellent husband that does nothing but to love me and support me at all times. I cannot celebrate anything else but the amazing miracle that God has given us. We have been through very deep and hard situations, but Praise The Lord because He has blessed us with a safe and loving daughter and we could not be happier to have her in our lives :) 
Things have been hard, there is nothing to deny here, becoming a parent is nothing easy at all; but I couldn't see myself anywhere else and doing anything else but what I do.

As I look back and I reflect on what I have accomplished so far, it encourages me to keep on hanging and keep on doing my best! Having a 10-month-old- is a little exhausting sometimes. I love it because I see her grow so much (sometimes that makes me sad, I won't lie about that), but it keeps me busy busy busy!! I try my best to find time for myself and for my hubby, so I think so far I am not doing such a bad job! However, I do have to admit, I need to do more at night to accomplish my personal goals! Sometimes my body says "go to sleep" and I just do! ;) I just need to do a little bit better and push myself more on that end.

Spring is in the air and no better way to enjoy this great season with these fun and colorful centers!!!
I have this unit available in both languages (English and Spanish) and it comes with 7 centers for ELA and Math. For ELA you will find activities for fact/opinion, sequence cards for the book "There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Chick", ABC order, and regular vs. irregular verbs, For Math you will find time skills, fractions, and add/sub with and without regrouping.

If you would like to see my product, click on the preview below:

For my Spanish Unit, it also comes with 7 centers for SLAR and Math. For SLAR you will find activities for fact/opinion, sequence cards for the book "Clifford y el dia de pascua", ABC order, and present vs. past verbs, For Math you will find time skills, fractions, and add/sub with and without regrouping.
If you would like to see my product, click on the preview below:

Before I leave, I wanted to share with y'all a Spring Freebie I have created when I taught second grade. I think this craft turned out to be so cute and my students did really enjoy investigating and writing facts about chicks along with the craft. You can use this for many different projects; some ideas could be writing facts about chicks (like I did with my class); can/have/are charts, or life cycle of a chicken.

If you would like to download this craft for FREE, please click on the picture below:

Ready for some fun giveaway!??! We are very excited to present three different giveaway prizes! $100 Amazon gift certificate, $75 and $50 TPT gift certificates. You can't miss the chance to win!! All you have to do is complete the Rafflecopter by following me and different bloggers!! 
Good luck everyone and thank you for stopping by my blog!! :) Make sure you stop by the different blogs to continue the fun!

Saturday, March 21, 2015

A peek to my new unit... "Rain, rain, go away!!" Do you want to play?? AND Life Cycle Units

Hi everyone!!! :)
For those that are on your Spring Break, I hope you are having a relaxing and stress-free week!! For those that are back from Spring Break, I hope you had a great one and your first week back to school did not go as crazy as it usual is (You all know what I am talking about!!)...

I don't have much to blog about, except that I am working on my new unit "Rain, Rain, Go Away!!"; this unit is not really much of an academic level, but it's for those Rainy days that it gets to a point that Teacher AND students get sick of! I usually let my students to have their own free time or watch a small portion of a movie, but then we all get sick of that, too!!!
So I came up with some fun games for those inside recess.. I am having lots of fun creating this unit and I hope you like it too!!
This is so far what I have finished:

I created a bingo game!!! :)

Your students will enjoy these colorful puzzles!!
I am still half way through, so please hang with me!! It's been a very busy week and did not have much of a free time to work on this unit.. but it's coming along!!! :)

Remember I have a special gift coming up for my followers on TPT, so if you don't follow me yet.. I hope this can help you to change your mind :) (hint, hint)

Before I leave, I wanted to share with you that these are my Life cycle units :) There is something about life cycles that it amazes me and I just love! When I taught these cycles my students couldn't have enough of it!! We all had a great and engaging time while learning about them! Here are the previews of what comes in each packet, if you are interesting please click on the picture to take you to my TPT product :)

Spanish Version

Also, if you are always on the go like I am, try BlogLovin'... and follow me!!

Sunday, March 15, 2015

ITeach 2nd Giveaway!!! :)

I have a very exciting announcement to make! 
I have decided to team up with some of my very best second grade buddies to write for a collaborative blog! 
That means ONE blog with TONS of great ideas from several super awesome Second Grade teachers!

One thing I L-O-V-E about this blog, is you will know exactly what to expect each day of the week.  For every day, there is a blogging theme.  Check them out! 

I'm SO excited to get started on this new adventure, and am thrilled to invite you along for the ride.  Let's celebrate with a little giveaway!  

You can win my End of the Year Awards!! Thais packs contains 22 awards (16 sets) and some are especially designed for boys and some for girls! All come in color AND black/white version! 
Do you want to give it a look?? SUREEE Click HERE to see it on my TPT.  If you download the "Preview" document, you will find 3 FREE awards to give you an idea what my packet contains!! :)  

Would you like to win it?? All you have to do to enter is follow us over at iTeachSecond then follow the instructions

Can't wait to get started sharing some great Second Grade ideas with you! 

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Freebies for St. Patrick's

I'm so happy to be back in a week!! I feel I'm getting on a roll now (yeah right, it might change after this post)... but let me tell you, this comes with a price... my house is not as neat as it should be!!

Well, I always put "Pollita" first and then when I have a little bit of a time (of course when hubby is not at home), I take care of my stuff... there's something about creating products that really gets me excited and relaxes me!! So here I am again... (I know, don't you look so excited to see me?!?!)

I have to be honest with y'all, I am a like a little kid... I love coloring :) So when I was thinking about a Freebie to create that I have not created before, coloring was the first thing that came to my mind! I, of course, started thinking about different grade levels (because you know, I have been from 2nd to 3rd and then all the way to PreK!!), that's what it does to your brain when you have been in different levels...
I took the great opportunity of this Freebie to print a couple copies and have fun with them!! So here they are:

If you would like to download a copy FOR FREE, click on the picture below :)

Last, but not least... I wanted to share with you an idea that I am sure I am not the only one.. HOWEVER, I still wanted to do my own and share it with y'all...
I know as a teacher, I am busy busy with lessons, teaching, parents, emails, meetings, etc. I think sometimes time goes by so quickly that I forget to do something special for my students... So I thought the faster way during these days is just to give them a little, simple, candy-free, and not so expensive treat. I remember back then, when I did my Wild Theme (you can click there to see my past post) at the beginning of our school year, my students got so excited and felt so special... It was only animal crackers, but they loved it!!
Here is an example of the treat:

So enough of the talking, here are my labels for FREE if you would like to grab them :) Click on the picture below:

Thank you for stopping by, I am still working on my next product, hopefully I can give you a peek next post... so stay tuned!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

New Alphabet Bulletin Board Packet on Sale...AND WITH A FREE SAMPLE!!!

Hello everyone!!!!
I am posting a little later than what I was planning, but here I am!! :)
I hope everyone is having a good late start today at school, here in Central Texas we didn't (at least me) anything but ice and rain. I am jealous of my friends up North in Dallas who got a good and nice snow day today!!! I can't believe we are getting this weather now in March and Spring Break is next week!! Well, welcome to Texas y'all!!! :)

I am very excited to share this post with y'all, I have been working very hard to finish this packet. I started this with few letters, but obviously took me for ever to finish it.. nevertheless, here it is!

All the letters are to be placed on your bulletin board in the classroom (so students can see them daily and it can work as a visual for them). I pinned mine with thumbtacks so I put them up and take them down anytime.

I then pull down whichever letter we will need to work with my small groups. Each illustration has Velcro on the back so it can stick to it while working and for them to stay while it was hung on the board. I would go over the sound and each vocabulary word with my students. As we repeat the sounds and words, I then would let my students place it as they say the phrase, e.g. "A es de astronauta" (A is for astronaut). They LOVEEEEDD this part, I don't know if it was the whole velcro thing or the fact that they felt they could do it on their own :)

Finally, I created this booklet for them to put together. I didn't staple my sample, but you could staple them to make sure the pages stay together. You could use this as a Friday review of the letter learned, small group review, or even homework.

I created a FREE SAMPLE if you would like to give it a try :) Please click on the picture below to take you to my TPT store to download the sample.

I really hope you love it so much that you want to purchase the packet, so since my unit it's new I'll be offering a BIG discount. The regular price is $8.00, but it will be ON SALE for two days (today Thursday and tomorrow Friday) at $5.00. That's ALMOST 40% OFF!!!

That's it for me today, I will be working on a Freebie for y'all and hopefully, I'll get it done by next week. I'll be also working on some free time centers (nothing academic) for those inside recess (it seems we have been getting a lot of those lately and rain season is also coming...) I MIGHT have that as a suprise for my FOLLOWERS (hmmmmmmm, hint, hint), so you haven't had a chance to follow me on my TPT, I hope you do so you don't miss the fun!!! :)

Thank you for stopping by my blog and stay tuned!!!